The Confident Coach

It's just kid's soccer - how hard can it be?

Everything you need in ONE PLACE that will save you HOURS of scouring the internet to find practice plans, skills, and positions. Look no further - it's all here.

I'm a parent, just like you. And I'm also busy. Very busy. Just like you.

Let's get it out in the quite possibly stumbled upon this page because you MAY OR MAY NOT (ahem!) have been coerced into coaching your child's team. You're a good person, you have a good heart, so of course when no one else would step up, that meant you obliged. After all, our goal is to keep kids active and healthy! But, I know that your new role as coach suddently added one more thing to your plate. Lucky for us both, this is your ONE STOP SHOP for all things coaching kids soccer.

One Stop Soccer Shop

It's just kids soccer - how hard can it be?


"Winging it" is not a good method when you have 12 kids and 24 parents staring at you waiting for direction. Even if you've played before, coaching is a new ball game.

Things you'll need: (don't worry, we've got you covered)

  • How to communicate with kids in a positive and effective way
  • Age appropriate, skill-based activities
  • How to structure practices and games
  • Necessary Equipment
  • Knowledge of the field and positions
  • How to correct players when needed
  • How to communicate with other parents

(to name a few...)

DONE FOR YOU Practice Plans

No idea what activities to do in practice? Look no further! Here are six minute-by-minute, one-hour plans. Also included: Cheat Sheets so you can see what's coming next.

Demo Videos

Easy-to-digest, SHORT videos on how to teach soccer skills.


Equipment list, Soccer Terms PDF, Game Day Expectations PDF, Blank Practice Plan, everything you didn't know you's in here.

Start Today!

This can be you.

A smiling kiddo who had the best time spending the season with you. A smiling you, who successfully coached your child's team despite knowing little-to-nothing about soccer or coaching. No longer are you just a "warm body on the field because no one else would do it". You can be a bonafide coach. Grab this course - you won't regret it!